


Naturopathic medicine, often referred to as naturopathy or naturopathic healthcare, is a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on natural and non-invasive therapies to support the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. In Naturopathic Practice, we blend traditional healing practices with modern medical sciences. The fundamental principles of naturopathic medicine include:

The Healing Power of Nature: We believe in the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. We work to remove obstacles to healing and support the body’s natural processes.

Identify and Treat the Root Cause: We seek to identify and address the underlying causes of illness, rather than simply managing or suppressing symptoms.

No Harm: We prioritize the use of Ancient Therapies that are minimally invasive and have little to no side effects. We avoid practices that may cause harm or exacerbate health issues.

Treat the Whole Person: Naturopathic care takes into account not only physical health but also emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Practitioners consider the patient as a whole person, addressing all aspects of their health.

Be your own healer: We are educators, providing clients with knowledge, information, guidance and wisdom on how to take responsibility for your own actions, health and make informed choices.

“Geriatrics: Unlocking Health and Well-Being Across the Lifespan

Discover the world of geriatrics, where we explore the specialized field dedicated to the health and well-being of older adults, according to ancient knowledge that dates thousands of years. Geriatrics focuses on understanding and addressing the unique medical, social, and emotional needs of not only the elderly, but people of all ages. Join us as we delve into the latest insights, resources, and expert guidance in geriatric care, promoting a holistic approach to aging that enhances quality of life. Explore a wealth of information that empowers individuals, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike in navigating the journey of aging with grace and vitality.”

Holistic Health and Longevity through 

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science

At Mind Body Spirit Healing Zenter, we blend the wisdom of time-honored healing traditions from Tibet, Nepal, China, India, and Japan with cutting-edge Western scientific knowledge to provide a holistic approach to your well-being. Our Naturopathic Practitioners aim to guide you on a path to robust health, vitality, and longevity, free from illnesses.

Our Services:

1. Integrative Consultations: Our naturopathic consultations integrate ancient healing wisdom with modern scientific understanding. We thoroughly assess your health, combining techniques like Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Tibetan Medicine with insights from Western sciences such as, Physiology, Anatomy and genetics. This comprehensive approach helps us tailor personalized wellness plans.

2. Herbal Medicine: Drawing from ancient herbal traditions, we offer herbal remedies that have stood the test of time. These are complemented by modern botanical research to ensure the highest quality, purity, and efficacy, without side effects.

3. Mind-Body Practices: We emphasize the importance of mental and emotional health. Mindfulness, meditation, and yoga techniques are integrated into our treatments to promote emotional balance and reduce stress, aligning with both ancient practices and Western stress management strategies.

4. Nutritional Guidance: Our nutrition plans harmonize the principles of ancient dietary systems, such as Ayurveda and traditional Chinese nutrition, with contemporary knowledge of vitamins, minerals, and dietary science. We provide customized diets to optimize your health.

5. Energy Healing and Cupping Therapy: Based on the meridians of Tibetan Medicine, Cupping Therapy and Energy Healing, every session aims to balance the body’s innate energy system, promoting vitality and overall well-being.

6. Bodywork and Massage: Ancient bodywork techniques, like Tibetan massage, Japanese Shiatsu, and Modern Sports Massage are combined with modern knowledge of anatomy and physiology to provide soothing, therapeutic bodywork sessions.

7. Lifestyle Counseling: We offer guidance on exercise, sleep, and daily routines, integrating the best of Eastern and Western approaches to promote a healthy lifestyle. We highly recommend trying out Personal Training Program such as; Kung Fu, Tai chi, Yoga, and fitness, that will bring enormous benefits, to your well being.

8. Genetic Wellness: Our services include genetic testing and analysis, allowing us to develop highly individualized health plans based on your unique genetic makeup.

9. Preventive Care: Our practitioners focus on preventive measures, recognizing the power of early intervention and lifestyle choices to avoid future health problems.

10. Longevity Practices: We explore traditional longevity practices and modern anti-aging strategies, aiming for a vibrant, disease-free, and long life.

At Mind Body Spirit Healing Zenter, we believe that the fusion of ancient healing wisdom with modern scientific understanding offers a comprehensive, effective, and balanced approach to health and longevity. Our mission is to guide you on your path to optimal well-being, helping you live a life full of vitality, free from illness, and brimming with the wisdom of both ancient traditions and modern science.